Construction Work up to 2007

1425 viewsThe 40 ton Campbell being re-assembled as a gate guardian. The flywheel is being sunk into place.

Foundations being laid1544 views

More stone ready for flattening1823 viewsOne of the "Friends" of the museum, Jimmy Jackson donated money to allow us buy more stone for the car park.

Almost finished1529 viewsMost of the brickwork is complete before doors and glass can be fitted

View from front door of museum showing stone in car park ready to be laid1523 viewsOne of the "Friends" of the museum, Jimmy Jackson donated money to allow us buy more stone for the car park.

All ready to dig out the foundations1497 views

The concrete for the floor had to be laid in sections1538 views

The foundations being dug out1520 views

More stone waiting to be laid1565 viewsOne of the "Friends" of the museum, Jimmy Jackson donated money to allow us buy more stone for the car park.

Another section of concrete goes down1538 views

Gate Guardian Complete1397 viewsthis 40 ton giant will be one of the first engines visitors see as they approach the museum

Foundations for the back work being prepared1501 viewsThe engine over the Stott steam engine can be seen in the background