Construction Work up to 2007

Driveway needs more work1339 views

Roof for steam engine building and new building are at 90 degrees to each other1318 views

Rain does not help the work1358 views

Roof on, floor being levelled1348 views

Work on joining the roof of the steam engine building to Memorial building1389 viewscan be seen in the background

Rollering to flatten the floor1369 views

Snow and cold makes work even more difficult1321 views

Work also required to make the new Rattling Monster Exhibition area1329 views

Roof on the new building provides shelter for October Rally1300 viewsowners of the visiting rally engines take welcome shelter in the shell of the new building during the Closing Weekend October 2005

Turn the Clocks Back Rally under cover1260 viewsowners of the visiting rally engines take welcome shelter in the shell of the new building during the Closing Weekend October 2005

View of car park towards spoil heap1233 viewsExcavator at work

Excatavors at work1261 views