Anson Engine Museum

Anson Engine Museum Gallery

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21 ton excavator at work1270 viewsthis much needed heavy equipment was loaned (as a donation) from Paul Jackson Plant Hire of Macclesfield
View from spoil heap back towards museum1265 viewsNovember 2006, moving the spoil heap
Work starts on the spoil heap1359 views
several pieces of heavy equipment were needed to move the tons of shale1213 views
dozer loaned by Paul Jackson at work1225 views
view from spoil heap of car park area1257 viewsnote the entrance gate in far distance
even the 40 ton Campbell looks dwarfed by the spoil heap1293 views
new shape to the spoil heap1324 views
Extension October 2003.jpg
Display of models1400 viewsthe area that is now houses the Poynton Local History was used to house models in October 2003, note the dirt floor. Over that winter concrete was laid.
Floor Going  Down.jpg
Concrete being laid in lean to building1382 viewsWinter 2003
Roof trusses being raised1398 views
GC shows shovel to Mayor.jpg
Mayor at the sod cutting July 20051399 viewsGeoff shows the Mayor (and Jimmy Jackson) the shovel that had belonged to Lord Vernon, it was then used to cut the first sod
105 files on 9 page(s) 5