Visitors & Midsummer Mingle (up to 2008)

Midsummer Mingle 20071994 viewswell I never thought it worked like that

Midsummer Mingle 20071782 viewsGeoff explains the workings of the Atmospheric engines

Midsummer Mingle 20071701 viewsthe BBQ proved to be a popular meeting point to catch up with old friends

Midsummer Mingle 20071961 viewseverywhere you looked a crowd had gathered to admire the engines running

Midsummer Mingle 20071696 viewseverywhere you looked a crowd had gathered to admire the engines running

Phil remembered the engine from Leeds University2336 viewsSouth Manchester MG Owners Club members watching the engines being run at the end of the Cheshire Romp, 13 July 2008

Midsummer Mingle 20071713 viewsthe BBQ proved to be a popular meeting point to catch up with old friends

Everyone took time to chat1665 viewsMidsummer Mingle 2008

Getting ready to feed the guests1681 viewsMidsummer Mingle 2008

Do you think we will have enough sausages?1625 viewsBBQ at the Midsummer Mingle

Graham explains how it all works1638 viewsto some of the visitors in the Diesel Exhibition area. Midsummer Mingle 2008

The JCB DVD was popular1653 viewsMidsummer Mingle 2008