2008 Season & 1000 Engine Rally

Visitors watching the JCB DVD1160 viewsin the Diesel Exhibition

JCB Display in the Diesel Exhibition1146 views

Geoff presenting the trophy1186 viewsAt the Poynton Show 2008

Answering questions about the Crossley generator1249 viewsoutside our marquee at the 1000 Engine Rally, Chelford

Our 2000th visitor1170 views

Exchanging views1235 viewstaken during the Saturday night visit from the 1000 Engine Rally

Ready for the Gardner 4T5 to be run1184 viewstaken during the Saturday night visit from the 1000 Engine Rally

Expectation hangs in the air1298 viewstaken during the Saturday night visit from the 1000 Engine Rally in front of the Gardner 4T5

Crowding round to see the Gardner 4T5 being run1248 viewsTaken during the Saturday night visit from the 1000 Engine Rally

Explaining how it works1237 viewsTim explains how the Rattling Monster operates. Taken during the Saturday night visit from the 1000 Engine Rally

The Crossley Atmospheric engine always impresses visitors1236 viewstaken during the Saturday night visit from the 1000 Engine Rally

Taking time to read the interpretive boards1235 viewsTaken during the Saturday night visit from the 1000 Engine Rally