Anson Engine Museum

Anson Engine Museum Gallery

Last comments - Archive photos of engines and museum views
National 25hp gas engine serial no. 176593359 views01/09/07 at 18:02anson: We are missing some parts (stolen) for an 80 HP Na...
Geoff Challinor outside the museum main building.3428 views04/10/06 at 09:59anson: Hi,Geoff, trying to contact you, regards to when w...
1920 Bates & Scholes 34hp gas engine. Serial no 5117 was used for wood turning on Cornbrook Rd, Old Trafford, Manchester.3888 views04/10/06 at 09:37anson: I have pictures of my grandad John Edwin Whitaker ...
1902 Tangye gas engine. Serial no. 7684 produced 20hp on town gas and drove a paint mill on Paisley Rd in Glasgow3414 views04/10/06 at 09:32anson: specimens and pictures of tangye town gas engines ...
1929 National NV diesel engine3361 views04/10/06 at 09:31anson: I am restoring a 66BHP NAW National would there be...
1955 Crossley 16hp diesel engine serial no. 145173. This was an instructional engine used at Chesterfield College of Technology4147 views04/10/06 at 09:29anson: Hello, looks amazing. Im and writing this comment ...
1955 Crossley 16hp diesel engine serial no. 145173. This was an instructional engine used at Chesterfield College of Technology4147 views04/10/06 at 09:25anson: I have discovered a similar engine located near We...
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