Last additions - Visitors & Midsummer Mingle (up to 2008)

Visitors include the Chairman of the County Council2211 viewsSep 03, 2006

Local History enthusiasts examine interpritive material2036 viewsSep 03, 2006

Merlin engine in background, October 20052060 viewsSep 03, 2006

The visiting Merlin engine proves popular, October 20052102 viewsSep 03, 2006

Merlin engine surrounded by visitors, closing weekend October 20052209 viewsSep 03, 2006

Our visitors arrive in all types of transport2200 viewsSep 03, 2006

The Poynton Local History display attracts its own visitors2229 viewsSep 03, 2006

The Poynton Local History area attracts its own visitors2053 viewsSep 03, 2006

The 4T5 always attracts attention2194 viewsSep 03, 2006

One of the members of our "Friends" and son2253 viewsSep 03, 2006

Hearing about the Furnival engine and printing press2166 viewsSep 03, 2006

Engines can be admired by all age groups2358 viewsSep 03, 2006