Last additions - Our volunteers at work up to 2010

Geoff moving some heavy equipment2172 viewsoff the car park to make room for the Easter rallyApr 04, 2009

October 2008 ... never mind taking photos, pick up a shovel2222 viewsApr 03, 2009

Hard at work planting daffodils, October 20082205 viewsApr 03, 2009

Making the welcome even more enticing2569 views..... who's bright idea was it to get EIGHT bags of bulbs?Apr 03, 2009

Getting the daffodils planted, October 20082137 viewsApr 03, 2009

Margaret meets the Mayor and Consort at the Poynton Show2110 viewsSep 18, 2008

Geoff getting the Gardner generator running2437 viewsSep 18, 2008

many hands make light work2008 viewsor at least someone to chat withApr 06, 2008

using the giant bellows to get the coals red hot1906 viewsApr 06, 2008

Martin preparing items in the workshop demonstration area2086 viewsApr 06, 2008

moving the generator2059 viewsinto the revamped area that should give more soundproofingApr 06, 2008

in the steam section1978 viewsApr 06, 2008