Last additions - 2011 Season

Museum is 25 years in the making 2298 views June 1986 was when the first foundations were dug and concrete laid, Geoff toasts to the next 25 years
Aug 25, 2011

25 years celebration 2254 viewsthe first foundations for the museum were dug in June 1986, Geoff shares a glass of bubbly with Les & Ena to celebrate
Aug 25, 2011

Ready to run it for the 1st time2377 viewsall the volunteers huddle round to watch, Tuesday 16 August 2011.
Vickers Petter (No 1083, CR2, 2 stroke oil engine. Built c1924, 120BHP used at York Waterworks)Aug 17, 2011

Vickers Petter engine runs for 1st time2465 views16 August 2011. Don "the governor" looks on proudlyAug 17, 2011

Vickers Petter engine runs for 1st time2478 views16 August 2011. The volunteers have made a terrific job stripping and restoring this engine.Aug 17, 2011