Last additions

One visitor spends hours sketching the engines1618 viewsThe museum makes an ideal venue for photographers, painters and sketchers to practice their skillsMay 25, 2009

Sketch in more detail3349 viewsThe museum makes an ideal venue for photographers, painters and sketchers to practice their skillsMay 25, 2009

Crowd watches Peter at work1945 viewsMay 25, 2009

Barrie checking on the Ingeco engine 1954 viewsMay 25, 2009

Reading the exhibition posters describing the art of bodging1857 viewsMay 25, 2009

Visitors are fascinated watching the skills being demonstrated2209 viewsMay 25, 2009

Mick turning wood on the pole lathe2100 viewsMay 25, 2009

Mike fashions the hot metal2255 viewsMay 25, 2009

Rod gets the coals hot2076 viewsMay 25, 2009

Peter hard at work making a wooden gate2107 viewsMay 25, 2009

Geoff lights the blowlamps on the Gardner 4T51703 viewsMuseums at NightMay 25, 2009

Gardner 4T5 looks spectacular at night1773 viewsMuseums at NightMay 25, 2009
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