Last additions

Exhibition room layout is decided and engines move in1374 viewsJul 08, 2006

Exhibition area takes shape1309 viewsJul 08, 2006

Doorways and archways put in place1339 viewsJul 08, 2006

De-humidifier drying out the concrete1346 viewsJul 08, 2006

Entrance to exhibition area being prepared1334 viewsJul 08, 2006

Work continues on exhibits1273 viewsJul 08, 2006

Volunteers working on "Rattling Monster"2430 viewsJul 08, 2006

Rattling Monsters being installed in Exhibition area1353 viewsJul 08, 2006

Parts of the atmospheric engines being prepared1355 viewsJul 08, 2006

Atmospheric engine being prepared for Exhibition1296 viewsJul 08, 2006

First Atmospheric in place for Exhibition1295 viewsJul 08, 2006

Plastering to make the Rattling Monster Exhbition area1249 viewsJul 08, 2006
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