Last additions - Archive photos of engines and museum views

dozer loaned by Paul Jackson at work1221 viewsMar 04, 2007

view from spoil heap of car park area1251 viewsnote the entrance gate in far distanceMar 04, 2007

even the 40 ton Campbell looks dwarfed by the spoil heap1291 viewsMar 04, 2007

new shape to the spoil heap1321 viewsMar 04, 2007

View of car park towards spoil heap1233 viewsExcavator at workMar 04, 2007

Excatavors at work1263 viewsMar 04, 2007

21 ton excavator at work1269 viewsthis much needed heavy equipment was loaned (as a donation) from Paul Jackson Plant Hire of MacclesfieldMar 04, 2007

View from spoil heap back towards museum1262 viewsNovember 2006, moving the spoil heapMar 04, 2007

Work starts on the spoil heap1353 viewsMar 04, 2007

Christmas at the museum2297 viewsDec 18, 2006

Cheryl at the Milk Bar keeping everyone fueled1648 viewsOct 30, 2006

Young Jack admires the 3hp Crossley1609 viewsand explains how it works to DaveOct 30, 2006
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