Anson Engine Museum

Anson Engine Museum Gallery

Last additions - Archive photos of engines and museum views
Engines need to be moved out off storage area to make room for new exhibition1321 viewsJul 08, 2006
Revamped genny house2.jpg
Back of lean to building, late summer 20031320 viewsJul 08, 2006
Ready 4 floor.jpg
New floor being laid, storage area 20051304 viewsJul 08, 2006
re-shaping the bing.jpg
Slag Heap being tidies, Summer 20031435 viewsJul 08, 2006
Not the best welcome yet.jpg
Front of building, late Summer 20031342 viewsJul 08, 2006
New extension work.jpg
Lean to building Summer 20031332 viewsJul 08, 2006
new driveway.jpg
Drive widened and fencing in place around site1303 viewsSummer 2003Jul 08, 2006
it will be finished on time.jpg
Of course it will be ready in time2236 viewsGeoff Baker frantically laying bricks, Summer 2003Jul 08, 2006
Ian & John at work.jpg
Foundations for lean to being laid, summer 2003, John and Ian3060 viewsJul 08, 2006
Ian & John.jpg
Preliminary clearing of site1338 viewsJohn and Ian working on clearing the siteJul 08, 2006
hard at work.jpg
Summer 20031322 viewsLean to building being erectedJul 08, 2006
GC shows shovel to Mayor.jpg
Mayor at the sod cutting July 20051389 viewsGeoff shows the Mayor (and Jimmy Jackson) the shovel that had belonged to Lord Vernon, it was then used to cut the first sodJul 08, 2006
1177 files on 99 page(s) 85