1000 Engine Rally 2007 – Saturday night at the museum1718 viewsMcCarthy Coaches of Macclesfield gave the museum a generous discount when we hired three coaches to bring visitors over from the show ground - allowing prices to be held at 2006 prices
1000 Engine Rally 2007 – Saturday night at the museum1559 viewsone of the car park marshalls keeping everyone in order
1000 Engine Rally 2007 – Saturday night at the museum1618 viewsKees Fitter over from Holland on his annual pilgrimage
1000 Engine Rally 2007 – Saturday night at the museum1433 viewsthe unusual engines from London Science Museum are admired
1000 Engine Rally 2007 – Saturday night at the museum1589 viewsAnton Van Der Cruijsen chats to Charles Wendel
1000 Engine Rally 2007 – Saturday night at the museum1424 viewsthe Gardner 4FHM was much admired
1000 Engine Rally 2007 – Saturday night at the museum1363 viewswhen it all gets too much there are plenty of chairs around so you can have a breather
1000 Engine Rally 2007 – Saturday night at the museum1363 viewsthe Barnes' Boys hard at work
1000 Engine Rally 2007 – Saturday night at the museum1270 viewsDave Allen explains the workings and runs Atmospheric engines
1000 Engine Rally 2007 – Saturday night at the museum1183 viewsGeoff chats to visitors, iconic engines in background
1000 Engine Rally 2007 – Saturday night at the museum1243 viewsPaul Curzon runs the Gardner 4T5
1000 Engine Rally 2007 – Saturday night at the museum1219 viewsthe Visitor's Book is full of fantastic feedback