Most viewed - Visitors & Midsummer Mingle (up to 2008)
Engines can be admired by all age groups2360 views
Phil remembered the engine from Leeds University2338 viewsSouth Manchester MG Owners Club members watching the engines being run at the end of the Cheshire Romp, 13 July 2008
One of the members of our "Friends" and son2254 views
The Poynton Local History display attracts its own visitors2229 views
Visitors include the Chairman of the County Council2211 views
Merlin engine surrounded by visitors, closing weekend October 20052210 views
Midsummer Mingle 20072206 viewsThe Gardner 4T5 was called into service to entertain the crowd
Our visitors arrive in all types of transport2200 views
The 4T5 always attracts attention2194 views
Mirrlees U type being admired and photographed2192 viewsMidsummer Mingle 2008
Hearing about the Furnival engine and printing press2168 views