Most viewed - Visitors & Midsummer Mingle (up to 2008)
Through the archway to the Colliery Exhibition1695 viewsNight of the Museum
Saturday 19 May - many visitors enjoyed the Collieries Exhibition
Night of the Museum1691 viewsSaturday 19 May - visitors enjoy having the engines explained and run for them
Midsummer Mingle 20071690 viewsview down the museum showing the crowd mingling
Night of the Museum1684 viewsCrossley Atmospheric engine was explained to visitors and run throughout the evening
Night of the Museum1683 viewsRoy Dudley talks one of the visitors through the paintings of the collieries.
Saturday 19 May - many visitors enjoyed the Collieries Exhibition
Midsummer Mingle 20071683 viewsthe 3HP Atmospheric Crossley engine was a crowd pleaser and had to be run several times over the day
Midsummer Mingle 20071683 viewsthey mingled and merged as chatting groups shared memories and people they had in common
Midsummer Mingle 20071682 viewsthe BBQ proved to be a popular meeting point to catch up with old friends, the chef was kept busy cooking sausages
Getting ready to feed the guests1681 viewsMidsummer Mingle 2008
Midsummer Mingle 20071678 viewsGeoff looks like a ghostly figure in the background as he rushes around runnning engines
The BBQ was in full swing thanks to a lovely evening1678 viewsMidsummer Mingle 2008
Enjoying a good old chat during the Mingle1674 views