Brotherhood lit up under the lean to1453 views19 November 2010, everyone preparing for the first run
using steam to bend the wood to shape 31453 views
Cuddling up1452 viewsFilming for the Channel M "Fun for the Family" at the museum.
The Les Cawley Memorial trophy about to be presented, Poynton Show 20051450 views
Members of the Sheffield & District Society of Model & Expermental Engineers1450 views
Looking along the Brotherhood engine1450 viewsLooking very smart, everything ready for first run attempt.
Mr Doxford during a recent visit1448 viewsPosing alongside the control panel from the single-cylinder Doxford engine
sectioned Napier turbo charger1447 viewson display in the Memorial Building
Furnival engine1447 viewsS/No 369 built in 1898, ½ HP Towns gas with tube ignition. Originally used at Peak Press, Chapel-en-le-Frith. Now driving a Furnival platen printing press, type set letters are on display. The future aim is to have the press actually printing.
our volunteers getting ready1447 views
Campbell Engine now in position outside museum entrance1446 viewsThe 40 ton Campbell has now been put back together as a gate guardian
Presentation of trophy, Poynton Show 20051445 views