Russell Newbery Centenary Dinner - October 20091347 viewsThe dinner was held in the Memorial Building on Saturday 17th October 2009. This photo show the view down the building towards Mirrlees No 1. Clive Field proposes a toast.
Driveway needs more work1346 views
Great Days Out Fair - Reebok Stadium Feb 071346 viewsThe museum was one of the attractions featured on the Peaks and Plains of Cheshire stand. The engines and photographs proved popular with visitors.
1000 Engine Rally 2007 – inside our stall1346 viewsdisplay board telling people about some of the engines we had to leave behind
North West Veteran Car Club Sunday 13th April 20081346 viewsand they're off
Preliminary clearing of site1345 viewsJohn and Ian working on clearing the site
Junkers crank shaft arrangement1344 viewsclose up shot
1000 Engine Rally 2007 – Saturday night at the museum1344 viewsthe Barnes' Boys lend a helping hand
Memorial Building looking down from the Piano Base1344 viewsshowing some of the exhibits in this section - Crossley overhung, Griffin, Crossley Poppet Valve, Crossley Slide Valve - then down to other engines in distance
Blocks ready to be go in place1343 views
To me1343 viewsJohn and Geoff at work on new building