Robey engine decorating the driveway to the museum2731 views
Engines in main hall April 20072720 viewsCampbell and Crossley
View of exhibition displays2719 viewsLeft is sectioned Paxman Ricardo engine, then pieces of the Doxford single-cylinder engine (timing chain, big end, control panel, etc) then screen where videos about Diesel were played throughout the season.
Visitors were invited to comment on the Exhibition2718 views
JCB area from another view point2713 viewsJCB Dieselmax engine - fastest diesel engine in the world
Patterns for Gardner engine parts2710 viewsa display of patterns used to make engine parts forms part of the collection
View between the main hall and the new Memorial Building2709 views
Crank case top half has been assembled2706 viewsRuston VXA
Gardner 4FHM showing the vaporising lamp2703 views
Looking along the engine during its assembly2699 viewsRuston VXA
Engine with viewing platform in the background2697 viewsTo allow visitors a closer view of the governor and working mechanisms a viewing platform has been built
View of engine with crank case attached2697 viewsRuston VXA