Our visitors arrive in all types of transport2208 views
Wood bodging shed2208 viewsdepicted by Rod Ellis (one of the many drawings by this artist)
Some of our volunteers with the Fergie Tractor2208 views
Geoff moves materials into new building2205 views
Visitors are fascinated watching the skills being demonstrated2204 views
Colliery Exhibition2203 viewsrunning from May - July 2007
The 4T5 always attracts attention2200 views
Eddie in the workshop2199 views
looking across new seating area toward Local History area2198 views
Time for a little posing2197 viewsbefore clambering up onto the wing
Lycée Polyvalent Gaspard Monge students during visit in March 2196 viewsAlthough not officially open for the season we have already been playing host to clubs visiting the area. On 18th March we had 15 European Honda Engine Dealers visit and on 19th a coach of 46 students and teachers from the Lycée Polyvalent Gaspard Monge which is in Savigny sur Orge, just south of Paris.