We need a bigger car park!1893 viewsMidsummer Mingle 2008
National engine drives several pieces of equipment1891 viewsas they would have been in a typical workshop
crowd gathers to watch the Stott Steam Engine running1887 viewsAugust Bank Holiday
Model of Poynton c1900 (scale 75" to mile)1884 viewseven the allotments and greenhouses are added
Russell Newbery Centenary Dinner - October 20091883 viewsThe Gardner 4t5 is always popular with visitors. It is particularly spectacular at night with all cylinders ablaze.
she's off1881 viewsjust after take off the plane banks and climbs into the sky
Giant bellows help to get the fire to temperature1876 viewsThe small craft centre has demonstrations of bodging and blacksmithing
John Marsden & Tinker1870 viewsproudly displaying the Les Cawley Memorial Trophy at the Poynton Show