Most viewed - Archive photos of engines and museum views
Geoff moving some heavy equipment2174 viewsoff the car park to make room for the Easter rally
Hearing about the Furnival engine and printing press2170 views
Even the gents gets a fresh coat of paint thanks to Hadyn2169 viewsWorking Weekend 23/24 March 2007
Over 35 people turned up to help give the museum a spring clean and a fresh coat of paint ready for the Easter opening of the season
Crossley Portable during restoration2169 views
Exchanging ideas2168 views
Denis with Gardner O type after its restoration2166 viewsVolunteers Working Weekend prior to Easter opening
Rattling Monsters April 20072159 views
Presentation by members of the Bickerton family2156 viewsof a bronze plaque of Henry Neild Bickerton, Midsummer Mingle 2008.
Taken beside oldest known National Gas Engine
Group photo - Lycée Polyvalent Gaspard Monge 2156 viewsAlthough not officially open for the season we have already been playing host to clubs visiting the area. On 18th March we had 15 European Honda Engine Dealers visit and on 19th a coach of 46 students and teachers from the Lycée Polyvalent Gaspard Monge which is in Savigny sur Orge, just south of Paris.