Most viewed - Archive photos of engines and museum views
Crowd watches Peter at work1942 views
Getting rid of last years fallen leaves1938 viewsWorking Weekend 23/24 March 2007
Over 35 people turned up to help give the museum a spring clean and a fresh coat of paint ready for the Easter opening of the season
The crowd gathers to watch the Mirrlees running1938 viewsMidsummer Mingle 2008
Trees down the drive need to be taken down to widen the area1935 views
prior to the move1933 viewsthe engine had to be dismantled in the car park prior to its move to a new location
Trees being removed to widen the driveway1932 views
Peter's Party - cinema is packed to capacity1931 views
Rally engines proved popular with visitors1924 views
starter motor1924 viewsor why the fork lift wouldn't start
During a break in filming, Geoff on right with Phil Harding from Time Team 1924 viewsTime Team came to the museum to film part of a "special" on the Holland submarine and the engines that powered them