Most viewed - Archive photos of engines and museum views
The forge at work1731 viewsThe small craft centre has demonstrations of bodging and blacksmithing
Members of the Heywood Society1731 views
Night of the Museum1728 viewsSaturday 19 May - many visitors enjoyed the Collieries Exhibition
Geoff runs the National for an enthusiastic young visitor1728 views
Demonstation of the Atkinson-cycle engine1727 viewsis part of the guided talk that visitors can enjoy
1000 Engine Rally 2007 – Saturday night at the museum1726 viewsMcCarthy Coaches of Macclesfield gave the museum a generous discount when we hired three coaches to bring visitors over from the show ground - allowing prices to be held at 2006 prices
admiring the chipping machine 1726 views
Our youngest Life Member of the Friends1724 viewsyou can never start their interest too early
So much for a day off!1723 viewsGeoff gets his hands dirty getting the Crossley started
Good line up in one of the sheds1722 views
Midsummer Mingle 20071720 viewsand they say that woman can talk!
Tony, Barry and Chris come to help run steam engines1720 viewsSteam engines run 3rd Sunday of month