Most viewed - Archive photos of engines and museum views
Cheryl at the Milk Bar keeping everyone fueled1652 views
New look for our shop area1649 viewsmuch more room to display our items
Midsummer Mingle 20071648 viewsBusy preparing for the gang to arrive
Replica engine on display in the Memorial building1647 viewsReplica of Diesel's engine that was built in 1897 and is considered to be the first diesel engine. It had been preceded by two experimental motors in 1882/93 and 1894. However, they did not work satisfactorily.
Replica built for MAN Truck & Bus to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Diesel's birth, 2008.
John Simpson, son and grandson with model of Poynton1647 views
Model of Poynton c1900 (scale 75" to mile)1646 viewsShowing one of the pits in the area
Graham explains how it all works1643 viewsto some of the visitors in the Diesel Exhibition area. Midsummer Mingle 2008
feeling rightly "chuffed" when Crossley Portable run for first time in public1643 viewsFor more information about the Crossley Portable see article on News page of website
Work on widening the drive and entrance area before new surface laid1638 views
RR Griffon engine information board1638 viewsRR Griffon engine at Closing Weekend 2009
Hornsby Oil Engine Info Board1634 views
Midsummer Mingle 20071632 viewscapturing an memento of the occasion