Most viewed - Archive photos of engines and museum views
Night of the Museum - Colliery Exhibition1615 views
Welcome to visitors enhanced by daffodils1614 views
Information board that accompanies the replica engine1614 viewsReplica of Diesel's engine that was built in 1897 and is considered to be the first diesel engine. It had been preceded by two experimental motors in 1882/93 and 1894. However, they did not work satisfactorily.
Replica built for MAN Truck & Bus to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Diesel's birth, 2008.
Look at the smoke cloud!!1614 viewsthis is the first run after over 20 years and the temperature is about 3 degrees - not kind for a first run but they couldn't wait to have a go
Young Jack admires the 3hp Crossley1613 viewsand explains how it works to Dave
Visitors were allowed to inspect at close quarters the RR Griffon engine 1613 viewsRR Griffon engine at Closing Weekend 2009
One visitor spends hours sketching the engines1611 viewsThe museum makes an ideal venue for photographers, painters and sketchers to practice their skills
More museum "Friends" try to coax it into life1610 views
Generous donation in their mother's memory1609 viewsHilda Warburton (daughter of Percy Jackson) died recently and in her memory members of the family came to present a cheque to the museum.
Moth catcher set up by local enthusiast to capture and count the species1607 views
Institute of Road Transport Engineers1606 viewsdemonstrating the original Gardner 4L2
Planting the oak tree - the oldest tree in Poynton1603 viewsTree Planting Ceremony 18th September 2008