Most viewed - Archive photos of engines and museum views
Visitors enjoying themsleves despite the snow and cold1318 views
Members of the Heywood Society1318 views
Roof for steam engine building and new building are at 90 degrees to each other1317 views
new shape to the spoil heap1317 views
Campbell engine stands proud despite the snow1313 viewsThe Campbell with a sprinkling of snow
Front wall brickwork going up1312 views
Geoff with Mathew Robson - this gentleman used to run the engine during it's working life1312 viewsphoto taken outside our marquee at the 1000 Engine Rally, Chelford
another opinion is offered1311 viewsAfter great debates it is decided to try and get the Atkinson engine running. It has not been run in living memory.
1000 Engine Rally 2007 – inside our stall1311 viewsview of our small shop at the rally from the door of the marquee
finished view of the stone laid in front of spoil heap1309 views
Exhibition area takes shape1308 views
Poynton Show 2006, Margaret sets up the stand1308 views