Anson Engine Museum

Anson Engine Museum Gallery

Most viewed - Archive photos of engines and museum views
A chance for a good natter1308 viewson the comfy seats was a welcome part of the Saturday night visit from the 1000 Engine Rally
Getting the blowlamps burning for the camera1305 viewsFilming for the Channel M "Fun for the Family" at the museum.
Geoff is presented with a cheque from the Treasurer and Chairman1305 viewsIMechE members visit the museum 9th September 2008
Ready 4 floor.jpg
New floor being laid, storage area 20051304 views
new driveway.jpg
Drive widened and fencing in place around site1303 viewsSummer 2003
New wall cladding for Exhibition area1302 views
Roof trusses above Stott steam engine1301 views
Front of museum in the sunshine1301 views
the engines have an unusual quality when snow covered1301 viewsEaster snow surprises everyone
Coach party from Louth 9 April 20081301 viewsGeoff tells the group about the Furnival and press
Tim gets ready to fit the exhaust system1301 viewsto the mobile Crossley generator, one of the engines we displayed at the 1000 Engine Rally
Shot 41300 viewsfor the first time at the museum, June 2008.

It hadn't been run since the 1970's
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