Most viewed - Archive photos of engines and museum views
Let's get this thing running1282 viewsAfter great debates it is decided to try and get the Atkinson engine running. It has not been run in living memory.
Gate Guardian in the snow1282 viewsThe Robey engine covered with snow greeted visitors on our Easter opening
Getting a welcome fill up with water1282 viewsoutside our marquee at the 1000 Engine Rally, Chelford
Great Days Out, Peaks & Plains, Anson Engine Museum1280 viewsThe engines and photographs proved popular with visitors.
Talking about the large collection of pistons1279 viewsIMechE members visit the museum 9th September 2008
The Atkinson cycle engine inside our marquee at the 1000 Engine Rally1278 views
Running the Mirrlees U type engine1278 viewsTaken during the Saturday night visit from the 1000 Engine Rally
Saturday night guests1277 views
Time to catch up with friends1277 viewsSouth Manchester MG Owners Club members at the end of the Cheshire Romp, 13 July 2008
Geoff gives a talk on injection systems1277 viewsIMechE members visit the museum 9th September 2008
1000 Engine Rally 2007 – inside our stall1275 viewsDetails of the Atkinson-cycle engine.
It was built c1883, Engine No 643. One of only two known to have survived, (the other is at the Henry Ford Museum in America). It does 4 strokes of the piston to 1 revolution of the crankshaft. It is on loan to the Anson Engine Museum from the Techniek Museum Delft. Our sincere thanks to Dr Korving for permission to take the engine to the 1000 Engine Rally, Astle Park.
Side panels for building are now on site1274 views