sectioned Napier turbo charger1419 viewson display in the Memorial Building (1 votes)
Beam engine1428 viewsin the steam area of the Memorial Building (1 votes)
Furnival engine driving Furnival Printing Press1283 viewsrevamped Furnival area shows of the engine and printing press well (1 votes)
Visitors enjoying themsleves despite the snow and cold1316 views (1 votes)
unusual view of Mirrlees No11436 viewsoldest diesel engine in the UK and in fact the 3rd ever built in the world (3 votes)
National engine drives several pieces of equipment1882 viewsas they would have been in a typical workshop (2 votes)
National connected to belt1295 viewsin workshop demonstration area (2 votes)
National engine runs several pieces of work bench equipment1249 viewsdemonstrating how it might have been used in a work shop (2 votes)
Visitors in the Gardner area1708 viewsadmiring the Robinson Hot Air engine (2 votes)
Tony G from the Stationary Engine Forum1272 viewsover the Easter opening weekend (2 votes)
snow snow everywhere1268 viewsthe snow lasted until mid morning when the sun started to melt it, here it surrounds the Ruston Hornsby (Stockport type) (2 votes)
the engines have an unusual quality when snow covered1300 viewsEaster snow surprises everyone (2 votes)