Anson Engine Museum

Anson Engine Museum Gallery

Top rated - In and around the museum 2012
Vintage Camera Display Sept 20122060 viewssome fantastic exhibits on display00000
(3 votes)
Vintage Camera Display Sept 20122203 viewslovley example of Trench Art made from gun shell and bullets00000
(3 votes)
first run of the Crossley SSN June 20121792 viewsprior to going down to the 1000 Engine Rally

For more information about the Crossley Portable see article on News page of website
(3 votes)
Crossley Portable run for first time in Public1787 viewsat Midsummer Mingle June 2012

For more information about the Crossley Portable see article on News page of website
(3 votes)
Geoff and Phil Harding of Time Team1683 viewsTime Team came to the museum to shoot part of a special on submarines and the engines that powered them00000
(1 votes)
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