Anson Engine Museum

Anson Engine Museum Gallery

Top rated - Archive photos of engines and museum views
putting the crank shaft back in place1353 viewsreassembling the 1908, 3-cylinder Campbell gas engine in its new location as you approach the museum33333
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left a bit1350 viewsreassembling the 1908, 3-cylinder Campbell gas engine in its new location as you approach the museum33333
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lifting the crank shaft out1469 viewsthe engine had to be dismantled in the car park prior to its move to a new location33333
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stripped and waiting to be moved1458 viewsthe engine had to be dismantled in the car park prior to its move to a new location33333
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crank case being removed on the Campbell1486 viewsthe engine had to be dismantled in the car park prior to its move to a new location33333
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Mirrlees engine needs to be moved to allow access to the Campbell1527 views33333
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Young Jack admires the 3hp Crossley1607 viewsand explains how it works to Dave33333
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view across museum towards cinema area1578 views33333
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National engine, H type2062 viewsamong the rally engines on display33333
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1738 views33333
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A Lister takes off1757 viewsthis Lister was suspended in the air by a thin piece of rope - amazing!33333
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The Les Cawley Memorial trophy about to be presented, Poynton Show 20051441 views33333
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534 files on 45 page(s) 14