Top rated - Archive photos of engines and museum views
The crowd are enthralled2278 views (2 votes)
Mayor of Macclesfield says a few words2266 viewsPhoto courtesy of Barry Job (2 votes)
Poynton Show 20051556 viewssetting up our stall next to the Vintage Machinery section (2 votes)
5hp Hornsby Akroyd oil engine2651 viewsPhoto: Kim Siddorn
(2 votes)
1924 National P type gas engine2833 views (2 votes)
Gardner 4FMH 48hp, 19182976 views (2 votes)
Geoff and Phil Harding of Time Team1683 viewsTime Team came to the museum to shoot part of a special on submarines and the engines that powered them (1 votes)
Poster2568 views (1 votes)
Wood bodging shed2206 viewsdepicted by Rod Ellis (one of the many drawings by this artist) (1 votes)
blacksmith forges2176 viewsdepicted by Rod Ellis (one of the many drawings by this artist) (1 votes)
Museum is 25 years in the making 2283 views June 1986 was when the first foundations were dug and concrete laid, Geoff toasts to the next 25 years
(1 votes)
25 years celebration 2245 viewsthe first foundations for the museum were dug in June 1986, Geoff shares a glass of bubbly with Les & Ena to celebrate