Anson Engine Museum

Anson Engine Museum Gallery

Top rated - Archive photos of engines and museum views
come on, you know you can do it1393 viewsAfter great debates it is decided to try and get the Atkinson engine running. It has not been run in living memory.00000
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the crowd waits1464 viewsAfter great debates it is decided to try and get the Atkinson engine running. It has not been run in living memory.00000
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Geoff explains to the crowd what is happening1320 viewsand the significance of the Atkinson engine in engine development00000
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swinging it into life1350 views00000
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another opinion is offered1311 viewsAfter great debates it is decided to try and get the Atkinson engine running. It has not been run in living memory.00000
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perhaps if we pray1439 viewsAfter great debates it is decided to try and get the Atkinson engine running. It has not been run in living memory.00000
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View from front door of museum showing stone in car park ready to be laid1520 viewsOne of the "Friends" of the museum, Jimmy Jackson donated money to allow us buy more stone for the car park.00000
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More stone waiting to be laid1564 viewsOne of the "Friends" of the museum, Jimmy Jackson donated money to allow us buy more stone for the car park.00000
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Campbell Engine being reassembled outside museum entrance1555 viewsThe flywheel being lowered into place.00000
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1423 viewsThe 40 ton Campbell being re-assembled as a gate guardian. The flywheel is being sunk into place.00000
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pieces of the giant Campbell waiting to be moved1484 viewsthe engine had to be dismantled in the car park prior to its move to a new location00000
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oct wknd 043.jpg
Coventry Diesel KF4 information boards1505 views00000
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534 files on 45 page(s) 41