Anson Engine Museum

Anson Engine Museum Gallery

Top rated - Archive photos of engines and museum views
Hedge hopping2023 viewsa cheer went up as the pilot released the smoke from the plane33333
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oct wknd 047.jpg
Rattling Monster room was never empty1656 views33333
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Ruston PB.jpg
2426 views33333
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Geoff on Ealing Engine.jpg
Geoff on top of Ruston engine that came from Ealing Studios2468 views33333
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National diesel engine2566 views33333
(3 votes)
Tony helps the crane take the strain2900 viewsHornsby oil engine November 201033333
(4 votes)
Lancashire Boiler drawing by Frank Wightman2607 views33333
(2 votes)
Nut Roast steam roller being inspected2072 viewsbefore leaving the museum en route to Alderley Edge33333
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starter motor1917 viewsor why the fork lift wouldn't start33333
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Ian checks for any problems on the Brotherhood1547 viewsafter the initial run we removed the side covers and checked the bearing temperatures, everything was okay33333
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Students from Lycée Polyvalent Gaspard Monge watch Gardner 4t5 being lit2224 viewsAlthough not officially open for the season we have already been playing host to clubs visiting the area. On 18th March we had 15 European Honda Engine Dealers visit and on 19th a coach of 46 students and teachers from the Lycée Polyvalent Gaspard Monge which is in Savigny sur Orge, just south of Paris. 33333
(2 votes)
Trinity House info board re Serk Lighthouse1780 views33333
(2 votes)
534 files on 45 page(s) 9