
Family arrive to review the museum1512 viewsFilming for the Channel M "Fun for the Family" at the museum.

Admiring the Furnival engine and printing press1376 viewsFilming for the Channel M "Fun for the Family" at the museum.

Piston display captures their attention1396 viewsFilming for the Channel M "Fun for the Family" at the museum.

Geoff explains about spark plugs1402 viewsFilming for the Channel M "Fun for the Family" at the museum.

Ready to shoot in Rattling Monster room1474 viewsFilming for the Channel M "Fun for the Family" at the museum.

Cuddling up1444 viewsFilming for the Channel M "Fun for the Family" at the museum.

capturing the cameraman at work1388 viewsFilming for the Channel M "Fun for the Family" at the museum.

and the Director hiding in the corner1432 viewsFilming for the Channel M "Fun for the Family" at the museum.

Explaining about the Gardner 4T51360 viewsFilming for the Channel M "Fun for the Family" at the museum.

Getting the blowlamps burning for the camera1305 viewsFilming for the Channel M "Fun for the Family" at the museum.

Capturing the family admiring the Gardner1425 viewsFilming for the Channel M "Fun for the Family" at the museum.